Goal: $10,000.00
Specific Need
- Your $25 compassion donation enables 1 client to receive their cancer treatment.
- In 2023, 12 volunteer drivers served 694 hours while helping 38 Manhattan seniors get to 341 medical appointments- driving a total of 2,283 miles.
- Your $35 compassion donation covers the supplies for 1 CSC summer camp student.
- In 2023, 23 CSC student volunteers served 360 volunteer hours with 7 local non-profit agencies at our first week-long CSC Summer Camp, held at no cost for the student volunteer.
- Your $50 compassion donation helps 2 Manhattan seniors remove snow from their driveway and sidewalks each snow storm.
- In 2023, our Neighbor to Neighbor volunteers helped clear the snow for 24 Manhattan seniors who otherwise would have to pay for this help or risk receiving a citation from the City of Manhattan for their sidewalks.
- Your $60 compassion donation provides 1 PACT Suicide Awareness training to a local business or organization.
- Currently, the PACT Suicide Awareness program has 12 trained ambassadors who have given 16 presentations since the start of the program.
- Your $75 compassion donation provides 3 pairs of children's shoes at our September 11th Day of Remembrance event this year.
- In 2024, we are partnering with Samaritan's Feet International to bring 400 new children's shoes to be given away to Manhattan-area youth at our September 11th Day of Remembrance event.
- Your $120 compassion donation mows 1 Manhattan senior's lawn for a month.
- In 2023, our Neighbor to Neighbor volunteers were able to help 9 Manhattan seniors keep their lawn mowed from Spring into Fall.
Inspiring volunteers and efficiently connecting them to the needs of our communityProfile
The Flint Hills Volunteer Center is driven by its mission of connecting volunteers to the needs of our community. As our community grows rapidly, we face an increased need to provide resources for unmet basic human needs.
Our Core Programs are:
- AmeriCorps Seniors is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and over. Volunteers use the skills and talents they’ve learned over the years, or they develop new ones while serving in a variety of volunteer activities within our community.
- Connecting Students to Communities provides volunteer opportunities for students as a conduit to teach workplace readiness skills, enhance academic performance, inspire a lifetime commitment to service, and address the needs of recipient nonprofit organizations. Recruitment targets middle school, high school, and college students.
- Suicide Awareness utilizes trained volunteers to educate the community on risk factors for suicide, along with the interventions available for help.
- Neighbor to Neighbor is a volunteer program in the city of Manhattan that helps elderly residents remain in their home. This program connects volunteers, volunteer groups, and organizations with Manhattan residents who need assistance. Volunteers help with snow removal and basic yard work.
- Medical Transportation utilizes volunteers to provide Manhattan senior residents, without reliable transportation, with safe rides to medical appointments within the Manhattan community. Approximately 36 seniors benefit from this program each year.
2023 Program Impact:
37,850 Volunteer Hours Served
477 Active Volunteers & Groups
424 Students Enrolled
73 Opportunities Served
$1,301,630 Monetary Value of Service
Photos & Videos

Riley County Commissioners recently recognized the 50th Anniversary of RSVP program in Riley County.

A long time supporter of our program, Ronnie has been an advocate for FHVC and volunteers throughout the community.

Sylvia isn't just someone our volunteers help get to appointments- she is now an active AmeriCorps Seniors volunteer in our community!