Girls On the Run of the Flint Hills

Specific Need

By getting involved with Girls on the Run - whether signing up your girl, telling a friend, coaching a team, volunteering at a 5K, attending an event or making a financial gift - you are intentionally supporting all girls in your community.

With your gift, you are helping a girl unleash her limitless potential. You are giving her a place where she feels accepted and understood, a place where she can connect with her peers, gain confidence and discover her true power and potential. A place where she belongs.

All money donated will stay in the Flint Hills area and provide support to over 200 girls this season!

Your gift will provide:
- $35 One Pair of Running Shoes for One Girl

- $60 All Coach Materials for One Team

- $100 Coach Training for 10 Teams

- $150 Registration Fee for One Girl for a Fall or Spring Season

- $300 Supplies for One Team

- $2775 Sponsorship of One Team of 10 Girls (Registration Fees and Running Shoes)

Each season, Girls on the Run will grant more than 54% of our girls with full or partial scholarships.  The generosity of community members like you enables Girls on the Run to expand, improve and serve all girls, regardless of their ability to pay. 


We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.


At Girls on the Run Flint Hills, teaching critical life skills is the cornerstone of our research-based programs. Meeting in small teams, trained volunteer coaches inspire girls of all abilities to strengthen confidence and other important life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and physical activity.

Photos & Videos

Give. Grow. Glow.
Give. Grow. Glow.
What did you discover about yourself through Girls on the Run?
Camp GOTR provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for girls of all abilities to develop self-confidence
Camp GOTR provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for girls of all abilities to develop self-confidence
GOTR Soles provides girls with a need with new running shoes and sports bras.
GOTR Soles provides girls with a need with new running shoes and sports bras.
If you could give a girl a piece of advice, what would it be?
When you Give, Girls Grow and Glow.
When you Give, Girls Grow and Glow.
$17,178.11 received
in 58 gifts


1880 Kimball Avenue
Manhattan, KS 66502
Phone: (785) 380-7661

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