Goal: $20,000.00
Specific Need
Funding for weekly programming for youth and adults.
Thrive! is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the mission of reducing poverty by building skills and relationships that strengthen families and individuals.
According to the Community Needs Assessment for Riley County in 2020:
- 22% of Riley County residents live below the poverty level; and
- 19% of children under 18 live in a family below the poverty level.
Our vision is to alleviate generational poverty in our community. Thrive! operates very differently from other nonprofits. We invite you to find out more about our long-term “walk with me” approach that pairs individuals in poverty — Leaders — with people who want to help fight the stressors of poverty — Allies.
Thrive! is a positive local program that is impacting lives in our community!
Thrive! works with people struggling with poverty and provides assistance through a long-term (18-month) “walk with me” approach as we help each other engage the stressors of life in poverty.
Those in poverty who join Thrive! are known as Leaders because they become leaders of their teams. Individuals called Allies join the Leaders as they work to improve their lives. The Allies “walk with the Leaders” two Tuesday evenings per month, and together they work to address problems and causes of stress. These teams become guided friendships through small group discussions that address the difficulties experienced by the Leader, including self-advocacy, setting goals, financial management, and improving relationships. As the adults learn, the Thrive! children’s program supports the Leaders’ changes, thus reducing generational poverty.